The solution for Hotels

A five-star coffee

A good breakfast in a shared dining room, a break back in the room for a moment of private relaxation, a coffee during an important business meeting to talk about future projects. Lavazza’s authentic taste has a knack for finding the right place to be a designed specifically to make the customer welcome even warmer.

The solution for Bars

Excellence in each cup of espresso

Choosing Lavazza for your coffee bar means knowing you can count on the experience of people who have been working with coffee for four generations. Not only does Lavazza supply coffee bars with products of excellence – from grand classics to specials – it also delivers exclusive services, and end-to-end support for clients who make hundreds of coffees a day.

The solution for Restaurants

To finish in style.

A good coffee – is there any better way to end a restaurant lunch or dinner? With a product range to meet the tastes of every customer and the equipment to enjoy coffee at its best, Lavazza is the best way to end a dining experience. This is why it is the coffee of choice for Italians, at home and when eating out.

Lavazza Topseller:

Lavazza’s history

Lavazza’s history begins in distant 1895, when Luigi Lavazza opened hist first grocery store in Via San Tommaso in Torino.

The Lavazza coffee we drink today is the result of his idea: Blending coffees from different parts of the world to cater to the tastes of each and every one of us. One hundred and twenty years of history: Unforgettable moments of emotion, obstacles, important changes and leaps towards to the future.


Whole Bean Blends

Quality coffee you can grind just when you need it. Try the Lavazza experience the classic way with whole roasted coffee beans. Feel free to select the right Lavazza whole beans by your preferred aroma profile.

Lavazza Blue System

Excellence enclosed in a capsule. Lavazza Blue preserves all the essential freshness, aroma and flavor of the Lavazza world and brings it to your premises. Consistent top quality guaranteed, no matter how many coffees brewed daily, combined with fast, efficient service and material control.

¡Tierra! blend of quality and sustainability

We offer Lavazza Coffee from Rainforest Alliance Certified™ farms that combines:
• High quality of the product
• Respect for the environment
• Social equity
Please contact us for more informations

Recycling Capsules

We recycle Lavazza Capsules now! Just clean the capsules, return them to us or we collect. Together towards zero waste.